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Certified Stores and Stock Controller

CSSC certification is designed to increase knowledge of the role of the store and warehouse, the functions of the store and warehouse personnel, how stock is managed and moved into through and out of the warehouse either to an internal customer or an external customer.
Certification Program
The program covers the role of the store in the 21st Century, how the store fits into the greater supply chain, the roles and responsibilities of those that work in a stores environment, the need for safety and security of both personnel and stock, the receipt, storage and issuing of stock, as well as the proper management of a company’s valuable assets. Each of which presents a challenge to those responsible.
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Final Exam Passing Criteria


Final Exam - 100 MCQs - 3 Hours

Certification Overview

Why would you even THINK about a certification on stores and controlling stock? Because of the amount and value of all the inventory that exists. Proper management of stock and the warehouse can give you a great advantage when competing in todays environment of the customer saying, “I want it now.” Take our class NOW, pass the exam, and take your place on the cutting edge of managing your warehouse and be seen as the knowledge leader by your company in stores and stock control.

The World's First Authentic Practical Oriented Approach Certification Program in Warehousing and Stock Management

Operating within a store’s environment and managing the large quantities and value of stock is a competitive advantage in today’s dynamic economy. Gaining this competitive advantage requires being able to identify the various operations within the store and recognizing the need to implement continuous improvement initiatives to make a store more productive. Being able to identify different categories of stock and knowing how to best ensure the right material is in the right place at the time it is needed.

Certification Outline

The Certified Stores and Stock Controller (CSSC) program is one of the best certification programs in the field of supply chain management. This program helps employers to provide an exceptional kick-start to transform both new and current employees to a work-to-do professional status to reach a high level of productivity in a very short time.

Certification Outline
Module 01
Introduction to Stores and Stock Control

1.1 Warehousing and Supply Chain Management

1.2 Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships

1.3 Customer Service

Module 03
Store Operations

3.1 Stores Layout

3.2 Stores Productivity and Continuous Improvement

3.3 Materials Handling and Storage Equipment

3.4 Transportation

Module 02

Store Safety and Security